February History

Feb 1908 Bill made boomerang.
Feb 1916 Hazing incident Norwich University, Bill & sophomore class suspended
Feb 1938 Rockefeller gives $5,000 to AA. Saves AA from professionalization.
Feb 1939 Dr Harry Tiebout, 1st Psychiatrist to endorse AA and use it in his practice.
Feb 1939 Dr Howard of Montclair, NJ suggests swapping “you musts” for “we ought” in the Big Book.
Feb 1940 1st AA clubhouse opens at 334-1/2 West 24th Street, NYC.
Feb 1951 Fortune magazine article about AA. New York reprints in pamphlet form for many years.
Feb 1963 Harpers carries article critical of AA.
Feb 1981 1st issue of “Markings” AA Archives Newsletter is published.
Feb 1 or 2, 1942 Ruth Hock, AA’s 1st paid secretary, resigns to get married.
Feb 8, 1940 Rockefeller dinner.
Feb 8, 1940 Houston Press ran first of 6 anonymous articles on AA by Larry J.
Feb 9, 2002 Sue Smith Windows, Dr Bob’s daughter died.
Feb 11, 1937 First New Jersey meeting was held at the home of Hank P (“The Unbeliever” in the 1st edition). Some sources report this as happening Feb 13, 1937
Feb 11, 1938 Clarence S. (“Home Brewmeister” 1st-3rd edition) sobriety date.
Feb 14, 1971 AA groups worldwide hold memorial service for Bill W.
Feb 14, 2000 William Y., “California Bill” dies in Winston Salem, NC.
Feb 15, 1918 Sue Smith Windows, Dr. Bob’s adopted daughter, was born.
Feb 15, 1941 Baltimore Sunday Sun reported that the city’s first AA group, begun in June 1940, had grown from 3 to 40 members.
Feb 17, Jim B contacted Charlie B, whom he had met once, some two years before, at a New York AA meeting.
Feb 18, 1943 During gas rationing in WWII, AA’s are granted the right to use cars for 12th step work in emergency cases.
Feb 19, 1967 Father “John Doe” (Ralph P), 1st Catholic Priest in AA dies.
Feb 20, 1941 The Toledo Blade published first of three articles on AA by Seymour Rothman.
Feb 23, 1959 AA granted “Recording for the Blind” permission to tape the Big Book.
Feb 28, 1940 First organization meeting of Philadelphia AA was held at McCready Huston’s room at 2209 Delancy Street.