December History


Dec 1934 Bill & Lois start attending Oxford Group meetings.
Dec 1934 to May 1935 Bill works with alcoholics, but fails to sober any of them. Lois reminds him HE is sober.
Dec 1938 Twelve Steps written.
Nov/Dec 1939 Akron group withdrawals from association with Oxford Group. Meetings moved from T Henry & Clarence Williams to Dr Bob and other member?s homes.
Dec 1939 First AA group in mental institution, Rockland State Hospital, NY.
Dec 1939 1st home meeting in Los Angeles at Kaye M.’s house.
Dec 1939 Matt Talbot Club has 88 members, uses wagons to collect old furniture to recondition & sell, not A.A., used A.A. program, material, marked 1st effort reach alcoholics outside married middle-class category.
Dec 1940 1st AA group formed in St. Louis, Missouri.
Dec 1940 Group started Ashtabula, Ohio due to Plain Dealer articles. A.A. Cleveland has about 30 groups.
Dec 1948 Dr. Bob’s last major talk, in Detroit.
Dec 1950 Grapevine article signed by both Bill and Dr Bob recommend establishing AA General Service Conference.
Dec 1955 ‘Man on the Bed’ painting by Robert M. first appeared in Grapevine. Painting originally called ‘Came to Believe’
Dec 1982 Nell Wing retires from GSO after 35 years of service.
Dec 1, 1940 Chicago Daily Tribune begins a series of articles on AA by Nall Hamilton.
Dec 5, 1985 Dave B, founder of Montreal Group dies weeks before 50th anniversary. His story added to the 4th Edition Big Book.
Dec 6, 1939 Bert the Tailor lends Works Publishing $1000.
Dec 6, 1979 Akron Beacon reports death of Henrietta Sieberling.
Dec 7, 1949 Sister Ignatia received Poverello Medal on behalf of A.A.
Dec 10, 1975 Birds of a Feather AA group for pilots is formed.
Dec 11, 1934 Bill admitted to Towns Hosp 4th/last time (fall ’33, ’34 in summer, midsummer and final admittance).
Dec 11, 1941 Dallas Morning News reports 1st AA group formed in Dallas.
Dec 12, 1934 Bill has Spiritual Experience at Towns Hospital.
Dec 12, 1937 Bill meets with Rockefeller Foundation and tries to get money.
Dec 13, 1937 Rockland State Mental Hospital takes patients to meeting in New Jersey.
Dec 13 or 14, 1934 Ebby visited Bill at hospital, brought William James’s book, “Varieties of Religious Experience”.
Dec 19, 1939 Los Angeles hold their 1st AA meeting there.
Dec 20, 1945 Rowland H dies (he carried the Oxford Group message to Ebby).
Dec 27, 1893